Food Photography


Food Photography

I’ve heard the advice so many times, find a niche you are good at and concentrate on it, work on that. What I like the most is photographing people, telling their stories. But the truth is, most photographers like to shoot many things, and I think we all should experiment and try different subjects. Yes, keep working on your niche, it might even be a couple or three; but always go and shoot something else too.

I took a series of cooking classes with a talented chef and friend, Ana K, and of course, to every class I brought my camera, mainly because I though it would be easy to remember all the steps if a had a visual clue. The finish products were fun to shoot, they were delicious and good looking. The only challenge was to try to shoot a couple of frames before my classmates will jump and start eating it…I don’t intent to dedicate my life to food photography, but this sure was fun and wouldn’t mind working on a project for a cookbook or simply eating the props…

food appetizers cooking tuna cucumber sesame seeds oriental deliciousfood fruits homemade granola organic healthy strawberries milk breakfastscrambled eggs salmon cooking breakfastfood bruschetta peppers cheese cooking appetizersfood salmon mousse smoked appetizers endives cucumber




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